Texas Bill to Eliminate Vehicle Safety Inspections

There is a bill that has passed the Texas State Senate and is currently in the State House of Representatives, to eliminate safety inspections. We’ve been a part of the community in Crosby since 1980, and we’ve been doing state inspections for a large portion of that. We understand that safety inspections can be a hassle. Between having to get trailers and non-daily drivers out of wherever they’re parked to get them up to a station every year, to any repairs that may need to be performed, it can start to wear on all of us. And most of us take good care of our vehicles, so it often seems like a waste of time.

However, the main objective of the safety inspections is not to create hassle, but to prevent unsafe vehicles from being on the roads in our community. In the past week alone, we have seen multiple vehicles with all manner of safety issues from headlights and brake lights not working, to tires with so little tread they’re on the verge of busting, to wiper blades so torn there’s no way they would provide visibility in the rain. These issues may seem somewhat trivial to a lot of us, but they become tremendously more important when we think of these same vehicles on the roads next to our family and friends. Safety inspections not only prevent these vehicles from being on the road legally, they offer an annual checkup to those drivers who are unable to check and maintain their vehicle consistently.

If safety inspections were to go away, we can all expect in the future that more accidents will occur due to easily preventable causes. This would cause insurance rates to rise over time as well.

As stated previously this bill has already passed the Senate and is headed for the House of Representatives. The representative for the Crosby area is Mr. Briscoe Cain. He can be reached by calling (512) 463-0733. No matter which side of this issue you stand on, please give him a call and let him know how you feel. He can’t make an informed decision for us if he doesn’t know where his constituents stand.

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